
<ドラマ> <サカー>
オーケストリオン Quartet Live Still Life (Talking) Letter from Home
% 08:15-08:30 NHK 連続テレビ小説 ウェルかめ

16.8% 19:00-19:32 NHK ニュース7▽今年の焦点は定期昇給春闘スタート
16.3% 19:00-20:54 CX* カスペ▽激レア&超びっくりヘンな生き物100連発第2弾 (1)恐竜大戦争(2)巨大45センチのダンゴ虫
13.8% 19:00-19:56 NTV サプライズ「なるほど杉並区」福留&山瀬が石川遼の高校訪問&区民が選ぶ人気ラーメンTOP5都バス旅
13.4% 19:32-19:58 NHK クローズアップ現代▽ほめると変わる?家族と社会▽ほめ言葉▽もっと褒めよう
7.2% 18:40-19:50 TBS 総力報道!THE NEWS▽小沢氏vs特捜部かたずのむ捜査の行方▽沖縄米軍基地どこへ“候補地”の島々とは?
5.0% 19:00-19:30 EX* スティッチ!「こんなに大きくなったよ…夢の中でママと再会!?」
4.8% 19:30-19:54 EX* 怪談レストラン「秘密を知ったら帰れない恋人の正体は吸血鬼…」
4.7% 19:00-20:54 TX* 火曜エンタテイメント!「歴史オドロキ新発見“偉人が残してくれた意外なモノ連発SP”」独眼竜政宗

17.7% 20:00-20:43 NHK 歌謡コンサート「別れの名曲…都、美川、前川、小柳」笹みどり▽坂本・紅白話題曲▽荒川静香が作詞
17.7% 20:45-21:00 NHK 首都圏ニュース845▽今日は4℃〜11℃北風で寒い。明日は2℃〜13℃くらいまで上昇
14.9% 19:56-20:54 NTV 踊るさんま御殿▽夫婦の秘密大暴露SP(1)夫を保険金殺人か(2)浮気相手に殴り込み(3)美人女子アナ&アホ夫
7.8% 19:55-20:54 TBS お茶の水ハカセ▽冬が一番ヤセる…女性の簡単ダイエット続々寝るだけ…座るだけ…背伸び…骨盤矯正で
6.9% 20:00-20:54 EX* みんなの家庭の医学「血管が若返る減塩術」(1)みそ汁で老化(2)50%減塩でも美味!家で作れる(秘)コンブ塩

14.8% 20:54-21:54 TX* 開運なんでも鑑定団▽こんな物に値段なんかつくのSP(1)お化けキノコ(2)無残灰まみれ茶わんに350万円
11.6% 21:00-21:54 NTV シアワセ結婚相談所▽今田&チュート&押切仰天(1)女優H結婚宣言(2)キャスターFお見合い(3)バラドルM運命
11.3% 21:00-22:00 NHK ニュースウオッチ9春闘・雇用の確保は?賃上げは?▽補正予算審議参院へ“政治とカネ”・緊急経済対策?
10.5% 21:00-21:54 TBS うたばん▽一発屋?昭和平成で輝いた名曲▽我が家も山本高広もホンジャマカ?20周年記念の絶品石塚グルメ
10.2% 21:00-22:09 CX* [新]泣かないと決めた日「新人配属。ハラスメント地獄始まる」榮倉奈々藤木直人要潤、杏
8.4% 21:00-21:54 EX* ロンドンハーツ「熱い熟女フェチ芸人集合!!“38歳じゃ若すぎる”▽オードリー絶体絶命(秘)ドッキリ衝撃
21:00-21:25 ETV きょうの料理(再)「楽しい!手づくりスイーツ “ガトーショコラ”」小野真弓

12.5% 22:00-22:54 NTV 魔女たちの22時「今夜顔面崩壊から5年ぶりあの女優がテレビ復帰郷ひろみダイエットで4カ月で30キロ痩せ
11.0% 21:54-23:10 EX* 報ステ▽攻防の舞台は参議院に国民生活直結の議論は▽“大阪希望館”冬若年化するホームレス再出発
10.1% 22:00-22:54 TX* ガイアの夜明け▽思わず買いたくなる店の極意▽カレー180種圧巻品揃え▽共感呼ぶ繁盛請負人
9.7% 22:00-22:54 TBS リンカーン「説教先生ガレッジの沖縄式授業で松本ちょっちゅねー浜田ゴーヤで涙&三村妖怪に変身▽正解
9.5% 22:00-22:50 NHK プロフェッショナル(再)「世界最高峰のすし職人・名人・小野二郎を再び」フレンチの巨匠と勝負▽握り
8.6% 22:15-23:09 CX* まっすぐな男「女の秘密」佐藤隆太深田恭子貫地谷しほり、遠藤雄弥、佐々木希田中圭渡部篤郎
5.1% 22:50-23:00 NHK あの人に会いたい「植村直己

10.2% 23:15-23:45 CX* 人志松本の○○な話▽仰天いとうあさこ(秘)性欲話▽小籔激ギレ
9.8% 23:15-24:15 EX* ぷっすま▽我流グルメウソを見破れ!!辻希美仰天!?(秘)和菓子カツ&優木の超簡単マヨ生活激ウマご飯
8.4% 22:54-23:58 NTV NEWS0▽野球アテネ五輪チーム長嶋茂雄さんが野球を通じて子どもに夢を▽流産くり返す女性“不育症”
5.6% 23:00-23:30 TBS NEWS23▽小沢問題参院予算委で政治と金▽ハイチは
5.4% 23:00-23:30 NHK ニッポンの教養「宇宙折り紙を作ってみよう▽世界の謎を解くミウラ折り」三浦公亮(宇宙構造工学)
4.8% 23:00-23:58 TX* WBS▽脱成果主義最先端の賃金制度とは▽日本の潮力・波力発電の将来性
4.8% 23:45-24:10 CX* ニュースJAPAN▽火種抱え…補正参院攻防戦▽有楽町マリオンの有楽町西武が年内に閉鎖。
3.6% 23:30-23:55 TBS チュー’sDAYコミックス侍チュート▽徳井国生さゆりと対決▽フルポン村上ウザイ店員▽ボス田中
2.7% 23:30-24:10 NHK ニュース&スポーツ▽時論公論地球温暖化対策・海外では?▽天気

14.7 13.2 *8.3 14.0 *6.5 *7.8 63.8 01/26G
13.2 13.0 *8.6 12.8 *7.7 *8.4 62.5 01/26P

23:10-23:30 ETV トラッドジャパン「面」
23:30-23:55 ETV 平成若者仕事図鑑「小樽ガラスに命を吹き込む▽元フリーターが正社員▽1300度の世界・先輩の教え」

23:58-24:29 NTV ナイナイ+「人気芸人マジ友愛コンビ仲ロッチしずるジャル(秘)女装疑惑&赤恥話SP」
24:10-24:40 NHK カンテツな女「銀座飾るディスプレーデザイナー」母として家族への愛▽今年は虎・徹夜で制作
24:12-24:53 TX* ありえへん世界「駐屯地で開催!!自衛隊合コンパーティー潜入▽整形中学生」
24:20-25:15 EX* お願い!ランキング▽激安人気イタリアン店美味メニューNo.1は?▽(秘)美人マネジャー
24:29-24:59 NTV レコ・Hits「AKB登場ゲレンデがとろける恋冬恋必勝(秘)モテメイク佐々木希
24:45-25:42 NHK Nスペ(再)「メイドイン・ジャパンは生き残れるか?〜次世代テレビ開発に密着▽世界に挑む新戦略」

1.5% 24:59-25:29 NTV 君に届け「夜噺(総集編)」
25:00-25:10 ETV 10分箱「サーカス・中原中也
25:00-25:30 TX* 今夜もドル箱「(秘)裸エプロン美人妻SP」
25:29-26:24 NTV ドクター・ハウス・シーズン2 「罪悪感」

テレビ 19,000億円 → 16,000億円 (−17%)
ネット 7,000億円 → 7,000億円 (±0%)
新聞  8,200億円 → 6,500億円 (−30%)
雑誌  4,000億円 → 3,000億円 (−25%)


24:10-24:50 CX* すぽると浅田真央の五輪前哨戦・四大陸情報

28:39 ウルヴス 0-0 リヴァプール (Jsports2)
28:54 トテナム 2-0 フルハム (Jsports+)

ローマ1−0カターニャ森本貴幸はフル出場も見せ場なし ローマに敗れる。

バンヌ4−3グルノーブル ▽松井大輔は延長後半途中交代。

Subject: Thanks for a great 28 years
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010
From: Scott McNealy
To: [all Sun employees]


When I interviewed many of you for employment at Sun over the years, one commitment often made was that things will change above, below, and around you faster than any place you have ever been. Looks like this was one area we exceeded plan for 28 years. While it was never the primary vision to be acquired by Oracle, it was always an interesting option. And this huge event is upon us now. Let's all embrace it with all of the enthusiasm and class and talent that we have to offer.

This combination has the potential to put Sun, its people, and its technology at the center of yet another industry and game-changing inflection point. The opportunity is well-documented and articulated by Larry and the Oracle folks. Not much I can add on this score. This is a very powerful merger. And way better than some of the alternatives we were facing.

So what do I say to all of you, now this is happening?

It turns out that one simple message to the large and diverse Sun community is actually quite hard to craft. Even for a big mouth who is always ready with a clever quip. The community includes our resellers and customers, our current and former employees, their friends and families who supported our employees on their mission to change the industry, our investors, our supply and service partners, students and educators, and even our competitors with whom we often collaborated.

But let me try. Though nothing I could write comes close to matching the unbelievably strong and positive emotions I have for you all. See, I never was able to master dispassion. I truly loved starting, running, and living Sun. And the last four years have not been without serious withdrawal. And the EU approval rocked me more than it should have.

So, to be honest, this is not a note this founder wants to write. Sun, in my mind, should have been the great and surviving consolidator. But I love the market economy and capitalism more than I love my company.

And I sure "hope" America regains its love affair with capitalism. And except for the auto industry, financial industry, health care, and some other places (I digress), the invisible hand is doing its thing quite efficiently. So I am more than willing to accept this outcome.

And my hat is off to one of the greatest capitalists I have ever met, Larry Ellison. He will do well with the assets that Sun brings to Oracle.

What we did right and wrong at Sun over the years might make for interesting reading. However, I am not a book writer. I am a husband, father of four, and a builder and leader of people who want to make a difference.

But spare me a bit of nostalgia. Not of the mistakes we made, and lord knows I made a ton. But of the things we did right and well.

First and foremost, Sun innovated like crazy. We took it to the limit (see Eagles). And though we did not monetize our inventions as well as we could have, few companies have the track record in R&D that we had over the last 28 years. This made working at Sun really cool. Thanks to all of you inventors and risk takers who changed how we live.

Sun cared about its customers. Even more than we cared about our own company at times. We looked at our customer's mission as more important than ours. Maybe we should have asked for more revenue in return, but our employees were always ready to help first. I love this about Sun, which I guess makes me a good capitalist, if not a great capitalist.

Sun did not cheat, lie, or break the rule of law or decency. While we enjoyed breaking the rules of conventional wisdom and archaic business practice, and for sure loved to win in the market, we did so with a solid reputation for integrity. Nearly three decades of competing without a notable incident of our folks going off course morally or legally. Not all executives and big companies are bad. Really. There are good companies out there. Special thanks to all of my employees for this. I never had to hide the newspaper in shame from my children.

Sun was a financial success. We paid billions in taxes, salaries, purchases, leases, training, and even lawyers and accountants for devastatingly cumbersome SOX and legal compliance (oops, more classic digression). Long-term and smart investors made billions in SUNW. And our customers generated revenue and savings using our equipment in countless ways. Many employees started families, bought homes, and put them through school while working at Sun. Our revenues over 28 years exceeded $200B. Few companies make it to the F200. We did. Nice.

Sun employees had way more fun than any other company. By far. From our dress code ("You must!") to beer busts to our April Fools' pranks to SunRise to our quiet enjoyment at night of a long, hard, well-done day of work, no company enjoyed "work" more than Sun. Thanks to all of our employees past and present for making Sun such a blast.

I could go on for a long time reminiscing about the good and great stuff we did at Sun, but just allow me one last one. We shared. Not the greatest attribute for a capitalist. But one I could not change and was not willing to change about Sun while I was in charge. We shared in the success of Sun with our resellers. With our employees through stock options, SunShare, beer busts, and the like (for as long as Congress would allow) and through our efforts to keep as many of them on board for as long as possible during the inevitable down cycles. With our partners through the Java Community Process, through our open-source collaborations, and licensing strategies. With our customers through our commitments to low barriers to exit. Sun was never just about us. It was about we. And that may be a bit of the reason we are where we are today.

But I have few regrets (see Sinatra's "My Way") and will always look back at Sun and its gang with only pride. Enormous pride. You are the best this industry ever had, though few outside of Sun recognized it.

And what we are about will live on in Sparc, Solaris, Java, our products, and our spirit. Well past everyone's recollections of what we did together. I will never forget, though.

Oracle is getting a crown jewel of the technology industry. They will do great things with Sun. Do your best to support them, and keep the Sun spirit alive and well in the industry. Our children will be better for it.

Thanks for the off-the-charts support to everyone who ever carried a Sun badge, used our products, or helped our company through the years.

And thanks to my wonderful wife, Susan, who gave this desperado (see Eagles) a chance to choose the Queen of Hearts before it was too late.

Someday, hopefully, you will all get to see or meet her and my other life's works named Maverick, Dakota, Colt, and Scout. If you do, perhaps you will understand why I stepped back from the CEO role four years ago. And why I feel like the luckiest guy in the whole world.

My best to all of you, and remember:

Kick butt and have fun!
