穀雨 青年海外協力隊の日

<ドラマ> <サカー>
06:40-06:45 TX* チーズスイートホームあたらしいおうち

14.2% 08:15-08:30 NHK 連続テレビ小説 つばさ(19)

3.2% 15:00-15:54 TBS ハンチョウ・神南署安積班
6.3% 16:00-16:53 TBS 水戸黄門[再]
4.3% 16:53-17:50 TBS サカスさん
5.9% 17:50-18:45 TBS 総力報道!THE NEWS林真須美被告が記者に語った“和歌山カレー毒物事件の真実”祭り夜の惨事

16.0% 19:00-19:54 CX* ネプリーグ▽あなたの英語力は?新ステージ登場で大人気吉本芸人軍団vs鴻上尚史&片瀬那奈
15.6% 19:00-19:30 NHK ニュース7▽漢検の新理事長が文部科学省へ・立て直しは
13.9% 19:00-19:54 EX* 報道発ドキュメンタリ宣言「南田洋子はもういない認知症で消えゆく記憶意識混濁…脳梗塞も…」
10.7% 19:30-19:56 NHK クローズアップ現代▽大倒産時代・中小企業の逆襲・国谷裕子
8.2% 19:00-19:58 NTV サプライズ▽日本人が知りたい10の生質問あなたはどれ派?究極サバvs最高級フカヒレvsダイゴ絶賛
7.2% 18:45-19:50 TBS 総力報道!THE NEWS▽こんな方法で稼ぐ…一日一時間で月16万円お手軽!主婦の副業が今あつい!
4.5% 19:00-19:28 TX* リロ&スティッチ「キックス」
3.2% 19:28-19:54 TX* ヒカルの碁セレクション「永遠のライバル」

16.8% 19:58-20:54 NTV テレビ特捜部▽ホームビデオ祭り▽巨大建造物を爆破解体vs最強カブトムシ決戦▽6つ子出産母
14.9% 20:45-21:00 NHK 首都圏ニュース845▽明日は朝から雨で20℃届かず
14.5% 20:00-20:45 NHK 家族に乾杯▽米倉涼子号泣!感動のメッセージ&陶板完成・鶴瓶興奮!カキ拾いの宝島!?▽唐津市
14.1% 19:54-20:54 EX* Qさま!!「脳力検定プレッシャー学力試験最強インテリ美女SP名取裕子vsキャスタークイズ女王
10.2% 20:00-20:54 TBS ハンチョウ〜神南署安積班「被害者」佐々木蔵之介中村俊介塚地武雅黒谷友香奥貫薫
9.1% 20:00-20:54 CX* HEY!HEY!HEY!▽70年代&80年代(秘)名曲映像特集・ご本人熱唱いちご白書▽新エグザイル初登場
4.8% 20:00-20:54 TX* 和風総本家 250年異空間…信州の温泉宿ベテラン仲居の掃除術光熱費70%カット成功客に還元

16.3% 21:00-22:09 CX* (新)婚カツ!「草食男子が就活で婚活!?」中居正広上戸彩佐藤隆太釈由美子谷原章介
13.9% 21:00-22:54 TBS 月曜ゴールデン「税務調査官・窓際太郎の事件簿18〜浜松1億円横領事件」小林稔侍、麻生祐未
13.0% 21:00-21:54 EX* TVタックル「麻生総理の逆襲始まる世襲(秘)制限&北の脅威補正バラマキで決断か解散総選挙
11.4% 20:54-21:54 NTV 1分間の深イイ話▽昭和vs平成対抗…長嶋茂雄vs石川遼秘話田中角栄vs小泉純一郎おニャン子
9.1% 21:00-22:00 NHK ニュースウオッチ9▽回復の起点となるか自動車業界注目世界一の巨大市場は▽漢検再出発?
5.2% 21:00-21:54 TX* やりすぎコージー▽お宝総額!約1500万円芸能人バカ趣味大集合大物俳優の豪邸潜入…800万

14.2% 22:15-23:09 CX* SMAP×SMAP▽内村と超人気芸人8組爆笑ネタ連発ビストロ・はんにゃ▽ミリオネア木村vsみの
12.9% 21:54-23:10 EX* 報ステ▽上海モーターショーで日米企業が熱い商戦▽浅田真央200点超えで今シーズン終了
11.6% 22:00-22:54 NTV しゃべくり007▽解禁こんな綾瀬はるか見た事ないキャラ崩壊に泰造興奮▽つんくアイドル裏話
5.5% 22:00-22:45 NHK 世界遺産への招待状「ギリシャ春のエーゲ海パルテノン神殿に驚嘆・神話の島々へ発見の旅
5.0% 22:00-22:54 TX* カンブリア宮殿「電子業界“影の軍団”2坪から年商3000億円大ヒットを的中」塚本勲

10.9% 23:15-24:10 EX* お試しかっ!「新発見超おいしい組み合わせ料理▽叶美香も絶賛…(秘)牛丼プリンそば」
9.8% 23:15-23:45 CX* (新)桑田佳祐の音楽寅さん「神の歌声再び!!衝撃の展開に超号泣…」
9.2% 22:54-23:58 NTV NEWS0▽農家悲鳴受粉ハチが謎の大量死▽東京五輪の実現度は招致レース行方を占う
6.6% 23:00-23:30 TBS NEWS23膳場貴子▽政治・経済最新の情報▽プロ野球MLB
6.4% 23:45-24:10 CX* ニュースJAPAN▽日本自慢の足中国に熱視線
5.3% 23:30-23:55 TBS 飛び出せ!科学くん「中川が一瞬でスポーツマン!?肉体改造の科学」
4.7% 22:45-23:30 NHK スポーツ大陸石川遼・米ツアー初挑戦の記録▽大会前に取り組んだスイング改造の理由は」
3.5% 23:00-23:58 TX* WBS▽都市部を耕す?都市農業の可能性▽広がる“エコ商品”本当に得?
3.5% 23:30-24:10 NHK ニュース&スポーツ▽時論・全国学力テスト・見えてきた限界▽気象情報

24:12-24:53 TX* きらきらアフロ「目指せ小顔美人?松嶋仰天ポーズ(秘)ヨガ挑戦秘技大公開」
24:25-24:30 ETV Jブンガク「好色一代男
24:30-24:55 ETV テレビでイタリア語「世界最小劇場の物語」
24:55-25:00 ETV アジア語楽紀行「タイ・チェンマイ初詣で」
24:45-25:50 NHK プロフェッショナル(再)手術不能の壁に挑む!米国帰りの血管外科医・動脈硬化で恐ろしい病最先端

1.4% 25:30-26:00 TX* 宇宙をかける少女「わだかまる宇宙」

17:35 バリャドリード vs ビジャレアル (WOWOW)

24:10-24:50 CX* すぽると▽ユーベvsインテル詳報・バルセロナ

Oracleは4月20日、米Sun Microsystemsを約74億ドルで買収することについて、
Sun と合意したと発表した。Sun株主の合意などを経て、正式に決定する。
Sun の株式を、1株当たり9.5ドルで買収。

Oracleの企業サイトトップページには、「Oracle Buys Sun」と、
Sunのサイトには「ORACLE TO BUY SUN」書かれた大きなバナーが掲載されている。

4月22日からは、東京国際フォーラムで「Oracle OpenWorld Tokuo」開催予定。

Oracle Buys Sun

Redwood Shores, CA - April 20, 2009

Oracle Corporation (NASDAQ: ORCL) and Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ: JAVA) announced today they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Oracle will acquire Sun common stock for $9.50 per share in cash. The transaction is valued at approximately $7.4 billion, or $5.6 billion net of Sun’s cash and debt. “We expect this acquisition to be accretive to Oracle’s earnings by at least 15 cents on a non-GAAP basis in the first full year after closing. We estimate that the acquired business will contribute over $1.5 billion to Oracle’s non-GAAP operating profit in the first year, increasing to over $2 billion in the second year. This would make the Sun acquisition more profitable in per share contribution in the first year than we had planned for the acquisitions of BEA, PeopleSoft and Siebel combined,” said Oracle President Safra Catz.

“The acquisition of Sun transforms the IT industry, combining best-in-class enterprise software and mission-critical computing systems,” said Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. “Oracle will be the only company that can engineer an integrated system – applications to disk – where all the pieces fit and work together so customers do not have to do it themselves. Our customers benefit as their systems integration costs go down while system performance, reliability and security go up.”

There are substantial long-term strategic customer advantages to Oracle owning two key Sun software assets: Java and Solaris. Java is one of the computer industry’s best-known brands and most widely deployed technologies, and it is the most important software Oracle has ever acquired. Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle’s fastest growing business, is built on top of Sun’s Java language and software. Oracle can now ensure continued innovation and investment in Java technology for the benefit of customers and the Java community.

The Sun Solaris operating system is the leading platform for the Oracle database, Oracle’s largest business, and has been for a long time. With the acquisition of Sun, Oracle can optimize the Oracle database for some of the unique, high-end features of Solaris. Oracle is as committed as ever to Linux and other open platforms and will continue to support and enhance our strong industry partnerships.

Oracle and Sun have been industry pioneers and close partners for more than 20 years,” said Sun Chairman Scott McNealy. “This combination is a natural evolution of our relationship and will be an industry-defining event.”

“This is a fantastic day for Sun’s customers, developers, partners and employees across the globe, joining forces with the global leader in enterprise software to drive innovation and value across every aspect of the technology marketplace,” said Jonathan Schwartz, Sun’s CEO, “From the Java platform touching nearly every business system on earth, powering billions of consumers on mobile handsets and consumer electronics, to the convergence of storage, networking and computing driven by the Solaris operating system and Sun’s SPARC and x64 systems. Together with Oracle, we’ll drive the innovation pipeline to create compelling value to our customer base and the marketplace.”

“Sun is a pioneer in enterprise computing, and this combination recognizes the innovation and customer success the company has achieved. Our largest customers have been asking us to step up to a broader role to reduce complexity, risk and cost by delivering a highly optimized stack based on standards,” said Oracle President Charles Phillips. “This transaction will preserve and enhance investments made by our customers, while we continue to work with our partners to provide customers with choice.”

The Board of Directors of Sun Microsystems has unanimously approved the transaction. It is anticipated to close this summer, subject to Sun stockholder approval, certain regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions.

There will be a conference call today to discuss the transaction at 5:30 a.m. Pacific time. Investors can listen to the conference call by dialing (719) 234-7870, passcode 923645. A replay will be available for 24 hours after the call ends at (719) 884-8882, passcode: 923645. A live audio webcast of the call will be made available at www.oracle.com/investor and a replay will be available for seven days after the call ends.

About Sun Microsystems

Sun Microsystems, Inc. (NASDAQ: JAVA) develops the technologies that power the global marketplace. Guided by a singular vision -- "The Network is the Computer" -- Sun drives network participation through shared innovation, community development and open source leadership. Sun can be found in more than 100 countries and on the Web at http://www.sun.com.

About Oracle

Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world's largest enterprise software company. For more information about Oracle, please visit our Web site at http://www.oracle.com.